p.s. Az-Zahra

Why did May goes slow?

It may be because it's the last week of the month and we may eagerly wait for a new month to come which may be the new salary to get.

Hi, hello, I'm Azz, nice to meet you again! Do you miss me?

It's almost 4 am here, last night I pray to Allah to wake me up in the morning to finish my discussion task, but he is soooo nice to me and keep wake me up in the too morning time hehe, if you know you know. I ask him to wake me up at 6 but he do at 2 am, he is so nice since I barely ask him, damn, I love Allah Swt. so much.

Back to the topic, maybe we felt that every month because we want to get over things that we felt uncomfortable with it? Or we want something to get better in the next month? But, why don't we just live our life now? Cause when it comes the time that we are in there, in the next month, we may really miss our day before, we may really missed something important, like why don't we do it sooner, why did we should wait for next chapter, why did we procrastinate a lot just to repeat that?

the conclusion is yes, every end of the month feels so slow, cause we eagerly wait for something to come, hmm or did you want to join me to come to get something rather that waiting for that? I just basically go through it by doin it, wandering something may happen is just like a gambling for me and i dont want to make a gambling situation through out my life, I should decide, it should be yes or no, not wait for next month.

Whatever you chose, choose how you fight.

have a lllovely day!