p.s. Az-Zahra

May 5th 24! criminology but e-commerce???

Hi agaaaain Bears!

It's me, Azz! I've been studying criminology on Discussion 4 and I bought the Modul, but but buttt, my lecture give us the topic that isn't correlated at all with the Modul i-don't-know-why and don't-ask-me-why.

Well, the topic is actually about e-commerce, my lecture ask us "Is the e-commerce EZ and safety for doin transaction?"


Well yeaaaah I guess it depends. It is sure more easy to do, we don't have to wait for the changeover(?), we can just scan the QR code and zzzz zzzz and ALL DONE! it's simple.

Then, I want to write the argument bout the older people that may not find it easy to use online transaction because they may not feel familiar bout it but I'm wrong, good job for searching it, Azz, you are very smart xdxd.

SOOOOOO, they said the older people use online transaction more than us gen Z! well when I said older people I expect it to be around 50 or more but my government found that the older people than mine, aka millenials, boomers, they use transaction online, A LOT. Almost like 43%???? Hehe.

So yeah I finished my criminology discussion 4, and search bout some regulations that are linear to the criminoloy thingyyyyy.

Also, am still in the most comfortable library in da world! The Room-19!

Thanks for your timeee, have a good day maa love!

-your most lovely bears, azz.